Whatever SEO strategy you choose, the work starts with an audit. The objective is to know where your site is, what measures are already in place and how to do for a better positioning on Google. To have a really efficient traffic, the SEO audit is a key step.

SEO audit: definition and principles

Before building a house, it is necessary to study the site on which it will be built. The principle is the same in SEO strategy: in order to ensure the stability and sustainability of the measures, it is necessary to make a SEO audit. But in most cases, this only concerns existing platforms. The purpose of the analysis of a website is to determine the techniques to be used for the optimization of the pages and the improvement of the positioning on the search engines. The action plan that the SEO consultant will have to put in place depends on the results of this study. To learn more, visit velcomeseo.com.

SEO audit: methods adapted to the sector of activity

Each website has its own particularity, which is why there are different ways of doing an SEO. The nature of the strategic seo audit varies according to certain criteria, such as the sector of activity, the competitive situation, the type of web page, the expected objectives or the SEO levers already used. For example, to optimize the site of an electrician or a software vendor, the SEO will not implement the same tools, since the two markets are heterogeneous. While the SEO for the electrician's page will mainly focus on the local market, that of the software vendor will extend to a national or even international scale.

Process of a SEO audit

By the definition of an SEO audit, the mission consists of a study that touches all the SEO axes. First, there is the internal axis, which concerns both the meta tags, the html architecture, the quality of the contents and the keywords. Then, the external axis will focus on backlinks or incoming links in order to eliminate links to all sites with poor ratings. The technical axis, which represents 20% of the audit, is based on loading speeds. Finally, the competitive axis is a way to determine which strategies are deployed by competitors. From these different channels, the SEO audit will be a way for the SEO to establish a plan of recommendations for his client.