Searching on the Internet requires the use of search engines. Among the most popular, the Google engine attracts an incredible number of visitors. However, this computerized space contains new operating mechanisms. Natural referencing and personal data traffic are the fundamental activities of this American giant. It would be appropriate to understand how Google works.

The Google search engine, an application with complex algorithms

An Internet search engine is a computer application. Its goal is to provide Internet users with the most relevant data for their searches. An application is a sequence of instructions executed by the computer. In this sense, the Google search engine consists of a set of algorithms.  When an Internet user types in keywords on the search bar, the algorithm is executed. A list of websites is displayed. Statistics show that 95% of visitors stay on the first page of Google. These visitors do not even go to the next page. The classification of websites by this Internet giant is the result of a series of referencing. Google's search algorithms are based on several parameters. An exhaustive list of these sorting elements is kept secret. However, some of them have become public knowledge. These parameters are: the relevance of the page to the search keywords, the number of backlinks, the links within the same site referring to that page, and finally the speed of the websites. According to, the more quality external links point to a site, the higher its ranking on Google.

The lucrative operation of Google: manipulation of personal data

Google is an American company born on September 4, 1998 in California. As a result, it is defined by lucrative activities. In 2016, for example, this company generated more than 20 billion US dollars. The reason for this success lies in the traffic of personal data of Internet users. When a person conducts an internet investigation via Google, the search engine records the browsing history on servers. Tracking cookies are also placed on the IP address of the user. This makes it easy to trace the browsing history of everyone on the Internet. As a result, Google has a comprehensive view on the interests of its visitors. This crucial information is then sold to companies around the world. As a result, they produce personalized ads. One of the main manifestations of this exploitation of browsing data is the pop-up windows that appear on click-throughs. Google also gets rich thanks to the Android applications and system. Indeed, many smartphone manufacturers request a "mobile app distribution agreement". This is a commercial agreement allowing factories to pre-install Google applications such as Play store or YouTube on their smartphones. Thus, the proper functioning of Google relies on the richness of its database.

Tips for a safe use of Google

January 28 is the World Data Privacy Day. This celebration was instituted because of the abuses that exist on the Internet. The protection of personal data is the subject of the European regulation called "eprivacy". In France, this law has been transposed into the Data Protection Act. This law requires that the deposit of cookies and tracers must be done with the consent of the Internet user. However, violations are to be expected. In order to avoid this, it is wise to opt for browsers that are attentive to the secure operation of search engines. Indeed, some web browsers offer more secure browsing modes than others. Opera, for example, blocks pop-up windows immediately. Firefox also has some interesting advantages. It blocks third-party cookies and tracking cookies. In addition, it displays details of the content of blocked websites. Another option not to be overlooked is the use of password management software. With a quick synchronization procedure, the user can use internet applications on various devices. This procedure is also available via web browsers.  For this purpose, Keepass and 1password are first on the list of such software.