Netlinking or external linking is a method used by SEO agents to increase the number of links to a web page in order to improve its visibility and positioning. In other words, the goal of this strategy is to make the site more popular and increase the audience.

SEO strategy: definition of Netlinking

The definition of netlinking can be summarized as obtaining inbound links. This implies the implementation of several strategies in order to increase the clientele or prospects and to optimize the referencing. Concretely, an external linking strategy consists in making sure that there are a maximum of quality links that direct the Internet user to your page. It will be for example to create links in directories or to post comments on a blog article. In order for this method to be effective, the actions taken must be targeted for the long term. In the framework of any SEO project, netlinking is therefore of primary importance.

External links: quality criteria

Understanding the definition of netlinking is not enough; we must also take into account different criteria that determine the quality of the links set up. This concerns above all the origin: the backlink must come from a page well referenced by search engines. In addition, it must be made up of keywords of the site that is subject to optimization. It is important to remember that links coming from "dofollow" pages are always to be preferred. Nevertheless, be careful with the various contents that can penalize. The main thing is to make sure that the links are natural and that they come from sites that have a certain age. Finally, it is necessary to insert different sources of links, while taking care of the good location of the latter.

Method to adopt for netlinking

There are many options available to you to get inbound links. However, we must not lose sight of the definition of netlinking and consider only those strategies that will achieve results. Thus, we will especially privilege the natural backlink. Artificial links are to be avoided because they may generate problems with the referencing system in relation to Google. Nowadays, most SEO specialists proscribe the purchase of backlinks because they are often of lower quality. Similarly, links derived from social networks are not taken into account by Google in the calculation of inbound links.